Dumford Capital specializes in enhancing the value of redevelopment properties that are currently not being properly managed, performing poorly, and undervalued.
By implementing targeted improvements and effective management strategies, these properties can be transformed into lucrative sources of passive income and generate profits upon their sale.
Our mission is to offer our investors both capital preservation and capital appreciation, along with the added safety of diversification. We strive to provide a more diversified portfolio that ensures the safeguarding and growth of our clients' investments. We do this through debt capital.
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Our goal is straightforward:
The professional redevelopment of neglected property and the development of new property in thriving areas.
With the desire to excel in the growth of cities and towns in the midwest area.
Our primary objective is to gain a comprehensive understanding of your goals and expectations. Furthermore, we strive to ensure that our investors feel comfortable and at ease with our processes.
You will receive a personal guarantee, a loan agreement for up to 12 months and a master promissory note for your thorough review.
We suggest having your legal council review all documents prior to completion.
According to the terms and instructions outlined in the loan agreement, kindly proceed with wiring the funds to our designated bank account to complete your term note securely.
If you bring us a lead for potential land development, we will partner up to 33% on the development of the property.
If you bring us a lead for potential land development, we will partner up to 33% on the development of the property.
If you bring us a lead for potential land development, we will partner up to 33% on the development of the property.
If you know of land that need’s developed if you bring me the lead we will make you a partner.
Terra Alonzi
I felt genuinely supported every step of the way. If you're looking for a real estate professional who brings dedication, expertise, and genuine care to the table, look no further than Brant.
Allen Li
I highly recommend Dumford Capital & Development if you have real estate investment plans. Knocking out my first commercial development project with Brant has been seamless.
Jim Bell